OPERATION: MOIST. $85.00 (+gst) prepaid.

(Military, Operation, Intelligence, Statistic Tactical)

Go to bottom of page, click booking and go to the bottom of that page and pick your faction team.

June 07th, 10:00 am -7:00 pm

June 07th 11:00 pm - 2:00 am. (night mission)

June 08th, 10:00 am -5:00 pm

Will not be a 24 hour game, no camping on the field, but you can camp in the parking lot if needed. The night mission will not be tied to the game, but offered free to any player (that has paid entrance) that wants to hide in the dark (and be found).

As the previous event in October, there will be limited supplies a player can carry on the field. More rules will be posted later to infom the players the guidelines of the game.


The Republic of Rampage is a vast powerful state. With its wealth in oil and hidden gold many factions want to control the state. The 2 major factions that are fighting for control are the Gold Warrior Raiders & Border Lord Rednecks. Rampage’s withered army and military forces are depleted and nonexistence due to the years of trying to stop the rebellions from controlling the 5 refineries. Small groups also are fighting for anything they can get to keep their group alive and surviving. Groups join and help each other, only to turn against each other for the offer of more gold from another faction.

With the 5 major oil refineries turning out unbelievable profit everyday, many different factions control it on any given day. Control can be switched so easy with buyers willing to buy product from anyone who has control of the refineries. Along with the vast profit from oil, Rampage is also known for having hidden caches of gold hidden and buried in the state. How the gold was hidden is still a mystery, but some believe pirates from before had chosen Rampage as an area to hide their wealth to keep it away from the other factions who are always invading and taking their gold. Many of the factions will do anything to increase their wealth to be able to add more ammunition and protection to help their faction survive and control the oil refineries.

The government of Rampage still has control of the ammunition factory where all the weapons and ammunition are made for the state of Rampage. The government needs more gold to be able to hire more soldiers and try to gain back control of the oil refineries. The state has offered to buy gold from any factions (they do not care where they get the gold from as long as they can get it) and want to regain control of the state and get rid of the factions. The State only needs another couple good infusion of gold to be able to do this. The factions know that their time is limited and have decided to pick up their aggression and try to stop the republic of Rampage, they know they only have a couple days to achieve this.

The factions have received intel to vast locations of gold from an unknown informant. It will be a race to see which faction will get the most gold and help them to control the 5 refineries.


Each team will have a FOB.

 The FOB must be always protected from any attack (either from the other faction, Republic of Rampage, or other small faction). If your flag is taken from the cone for more than 2 minutes, your FOB will not receive any new missions until you have your flag back in the cone and must wait 30 minutes until new missions can be sent again. Control your FOB, always have a defensive protection around it so you will not lose any valuable missions.

Each team will have a Gold bank.

Each mission that you accomplish, your faction will be given gold that you can use on Sunday to buy extra equipment and supplies to help you take the 5 refineries.

The GOLD bank needs to also be protected form any enemies who may try to attack it and steal your gold. If they steal your gold, you will not be able to buy extra resources to help you gain control of the 5 refineries on Sunday.


Faction teams:

Gold Warrior Raiders (GWR): made up of ex government & military personnel who have given up on the Republic of Rampage . They see the military forces of Rampage are too far gone and cannot gain control of the Republic of rampage and have decided to break off and use more aggressive and hostile attacks to gain control of the refineries and then control of the republic. They can be seen as any soldier that uses any green camo as their uniform with helmets at head gear.

Border Lord Rednecks (BLR): consist of many small faction groups that have put their differences aside and want to work together to get control of the refineries and have control of their destiny if they get control of the Republic of Rampage. Being under the oppression of the government for too long, they can be found wearing any type of clothing that does not have green camo in it. Brown camo, black camo, hoodies, t shirts, jeans, any collection of this will be part of their uniform. Baseball caps, toques, bandanas for head gear. (Please note helmets will be allowed for the night mission only to accompany night vison googles)

Unknown Desert Guardians (UDG); these will be small bands of factions that do not care about other factions or the Republic of Rampage and will do anything to stop any of the other factions and government from achieving their goals. They have been under constant attack and control, that they are considered a formable threat. They are known for suicide bombing and wanton destruction. They can be found wearing any type of uniform they can steal or find and use their stealth and movements to their advantage.

Every hour, each faction will be given missions that the team can accomplish that, when achieved will be given gold for the mission.

Each mission that you accomplish, your faction will be given gold that you can use on Sunday to buy extra equipment and supplies to help you take the 5 refineries


Teams will need to setup squads to not only carry out the missions but also set up a defensive perimeter to protect the FOB and GOLD bank. These locations must be protected at all costs if you are to have the proper equipment and resources to try to take over the 5 refineries on Sunday.



Saturday morning: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm

Saturday evening: 11:00 pm -2:00 am (separate game, not connected to event but offered)

Sunday morning: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm.


Will not be an overnight game, but you can camp in the parking lot if needed.

You are expected to have everything ready and at your FOB at the start of the event: Saturday @ 10:00 am. Sunday @ 11:00 am.

It is your responsibility to make sure you bring along everything you need for the day event to your FOB, extra bb’s, extra batteries, water (lots), food, extra clothing in case of inclement weather.

Limited space will be available, and registration will be on the website.



Registration will be on our website.








5. Wear proper protective equipment for your environment for example sturdy boots for sites with challenging terrain or helmets and knee pads for sites with hard urban surfaces

6. Always respond to “NO DUFF” calls on the field. Echo the command and remain in place. Follow on instructions will come from your leader.

7. Be accountable for yourself. If you are having a medical or personal problem that is causing a danger to you, or others don’t hesitate to tell your cadre. If you need medical attention they can coordinate, be it an ambulance you need or a ride back to the parking lot to return home or get medication. If you need to leave for any reason, please tell your cadre before leaving so they know that you are gone and not lying somewhere on the field with a compound stress fracture and dehydration waiting for death to come to you.

8. Always observe and recover any pyro you throw. Make sure you are throwing on a non flammable surface, if a brush fire does start you are the first one responsible for pulling a safety flag, stomping it out and dousing the source and waiting at least ten minutes to check for smoldering embers. All brush fires will be reported to administration staff. Remember if you need more than 9 people to smother a brush fire call a cease fire and withdraw to a safe distance.

9. Do not bring or use unauthorized pyrotechnics for a complete list see “hand grenades” “smoke grenades”




1. Please note that we DO NOT use “surrender” at our events! Calling out “surrender” implies an opposing participant has an option (comply/escape).


1.All BB hits to any part of your body and any gear/equipment secured to your person count as a hit whether it’s a ricochet or direct hit. Weapon hits do not count.

2. Blind fire is not authorized and strictly prohibited at MSW events.

3.Friendly fire counts! Check your targets!

4. If two participants fire simultaneously and both are hit, BOTH participants are out. CALLING YOUR HITS:

5.Airsoft is a hobby of integrity. Call you own hits. Never call opposing participants hits.

6.When you are hit immediately fall to the ground and simulate being shot for real – the louder the better. Often it is difficult to hear participants over the noise of firing AEG’s and/or through brush even at short distances, so do your best to let opposing participants know you have been hit otherwise they may continue to inadvertently fire at you. BE AS LOUD AS YOU CAN.

7. While waiting in place, please do not reload magazines and/or grenade shells, test-fire your weapon or anything else other than calling for a medic* - reloading sounds and “test[1]firing” cause a distraction for live participants in the area who may inadvertently believe you are still in-event and therefore shoot at you.





1. Are responsible to ensure their squad follows the event rules, roles, ammo and reloading restrictions or caring out the missions from the commander.

2. Will have a special identifying arm band. When he has this armband, he can help the medic in putting band aids (he cannot carry band aids but get them from the medic and use) on wounded players. Medic rules apply. If a squad leader is killed, he must stand at the spot he was killed (when he has 2 band aids on and has been hit again) for 5 minutes and wait for the enemy to come and retrieve his armband. If an enemy captures a squad leader armband, he is to directly transport it back to his FOB and give to his commander. Armband hunting is a way to take out HVT and disable and disorganized the enemy. Each Squad leader will have 1, so hunting every squad leader is an objective every team should do. 

SNIPERS/SNIPER RIFLES: Sniper rifles must either be bolt action or permanently fixed semi-automatic guns (unable to fire automatic at any time without complete disassembly). Sniper rifles can use any type of propellant (spring, electric or gas), but they must shoot at or under the specified FPS limits for Snipers.

 1. All snipers must adhere to a 100’ minimum engagement distance.

 2. Snipers may carry a secondary weapon with them to engage targets closer than 100’. The secondary may only be a pistol. It CANNOT be a full-sized AEG, LMG/MMG, Grenadier, or Heavy Weapon class type weapon.

3. We ask anyone playing the sniper role to please refrain from taking headshots whenever possible.

 4. Sniper teams are limited to two per faction and must come complete as a team – Sniper and Spotter. These positions are filled at the discretion of the Cadre Commander.

5. Be advised there are no sniper positions for squads and platoons. By volunteering to be a sniper team you become a command asset and can be tasked for any mission.  

DESIGNATED MARKSMAN RIFLE (DMR): Designated Marksman Rifle is a special purpose weapon; it is a standard infantry rifle equipped with optics that have been enhanced for longer range and accuracy. Some examples of a DMR are – M16, SR-25, PSG-1, M14/M21, G36, AUG, G3-SG3, Dragunov (SVD) etc… Bolt action rifles may also function as a DMR as long as they adhere to the Max FPS.

1. Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) may ONLY operate SEMI-AUTO mode and must be physically incapable of firing in full-auto.

2. Limit TWO (2) DMR per squad (or otherwise stated).

3. Weapons using an external gas source must have a locked regulator to prevent field adjustment.

4. Operators of a DMR are required to carry a sidearm to engage targets within the minimum engagement distances.

5. Mid or Real Cap Magazines only.

6. Minimum engagement distance of 60 feet.

7. Carbine rifles do not qualify for DMR

8. May not engage targets within the same building.

9. May carry 7 magazines on your person 


1. Assault Weapons / Rifleman role may ONLY operate in SEMI-AUTO Mode.

2. SEMI-AUTO is defined as one trigger pull per one round fired.

3. Weapons using an external gas source must have a locked regulator to prevent field adjustment.

4. May carry 7 magazines on your person.

5. Mid or Real Cap Magazines only.

6. No Minimum Engagement Distance 

SQUAD SUPPORT WEAPONS: A squad support weapon is classified as an M249, M60, MG36, RPK, PKM, MG42, Krytac LMG/Shrike or any “Squad Automatic Weapon” either currently or formerly adopted as a military weapon.

1. Squad Support Weapons (SSW) MAY operate in FULL -AUTO Mode but NOT shoot more than 30 round per second.

2. Limit TWO (2) SSW per squad.

3. Weapons using an external gas source must have a locked regulator to prevent field adjustment.

4. Operators of a SSW are required to carry either a standard AEG or sidearm to engage targets within the minimum engagement distances.

5. SSWs may use winding “High Cap” type magazines with no more than 3000 rounds in magazines.

6. SSWs have a Minimum Engagement Distance of 60 feet.

7. SSW’s may not be used in engagements from inside to inside (within a building)

OTHER WEAPONS: Any other weapons will be classified as an ASSAULT WEAPON and follow the rules for an ASSAULTWEAPONS/RIFLEMAN. 

ENGINEER: for some missions an engineer with experience will b e needed to carry out your mission. The engineer will be picked by the squad when they receive orders.

1.Must carry an assault weapon with same roles as an assault weapons/rifleman.

2. Will wear a special armband to signify his role.

3. If hit an engineer can use a tourniquet to get revived, however if he is hit again with a tourniquet on he must head back to FOB to be revied.

4. Protect the engineer, he is vital for missions and only has 2 lives.

5. Will be the only player to use special tools given to him.

 Roles And Responsibilities:

Company Commander :The Company Commander's job is to keep the battle going. Forcing engagement on the battlefield. The Company Commander will also Issue OPORD to the appropriate Platoon Leaders. Plan ambushes on the opposite forces while they are on their own Missions

 Platoon Leader : The Platoon leaders will receive their orders from their Company Commander. The Company Commander will issue the Platoon Leaders the appropriate OPORD for their next mission. Platoon Leaders will then call on the appropriate Squad Leaders to gather in the Platoon Field HQ camp for a briefing on the mission at hand. Once briefed the Platoon Leader will Plan the Execution of the OPORD with the appropriate Squad Leaders. The Platoon Leaders can also plan Raids in between their main OPORD Missions. Platoon Leaders will also plan patrols and overwatch OPS so Squads can get rest

Squad Leaders:  Squad Leaders will receive OPORD from Platoon Leaders. They will plan the execution of the OPORD with the platoon leaders and then brief their Squads. Squad Leaders will Lead and Execute Raids and Patrols with their squads. They have the right to pick and choose which of their Squad members Provides watch while their squad rests and then Select the rotation members of their squad to swap out over watch.  

 Medics: Necessary game mechanic to keep unit intact with each other longer. Not making as many trips to the respawn. In contact with enemy longer, more action.



1. Each squad will be assigned only one medic. (Subject to change with various Teams and Squads)

 2. Each player will be equipped with a tourniquet. When a player is hit, any live player can save the player by putting the tourniquet on. When it is on, the player is back in the game.

3. If a player with tourniquet is hit, a medic can restore the player by putting a bandage on there arm, remove the tourniquet, once that is done the player is back in the game. If a medic is not around you can call yourself hit, put on your dead rag and return to FOB to get back ion the game. The player can now use the tourniquet again but needs to leave the band aid on their arm. If a player is hit again with 1 band aid on, he can be saved by having the tourniquet put back on by a live player. If he is hit again the medic can save him by placing a second bandage on him. Once the 2nd band aid is on, the players is back in the game. If he is hit again, with 2 band aids on he must call himself out and head back to FOB. He then can then take off the band aids and put in medicine bag (at the FOB) where the medic can use it.

 3. Medic will treat a fellow player by going up to that player and bandaging the area where the player was hit

4. Medic will only carry 20 bandages at a time. If they run out of band aids they must head back to FOB and restock their supplies.

5. A medic may not treat himself; only another medic can give them aid.

6. Wounded players may be physically “dragged, carried, lifted, etc..” to a medic by any means that is NOT UNDER THEIR OWN POWER.

 9. Medics must WRAP the bandages around the player’s arm, they are NOT allowed to TIE or have pre-made loops in which to tie the bandage onto a player.

10. Bandages must be a MINIMUM of 2 ft (24in) in length each.

11. Medics may be changed within the squad while at the FOB or between evolutions, but not while active on the playing field

12. Squad Leaders may also treat wounded players in the same way that a medic would if they have their SL armband on them. If they have lost their armband they cannot treat players as a medic.


Hand Grenades:

NO TAGGIN products will be allowed on the field.

All hand grenades must directly follow Canadian Airsoft Laws on Hand Grenades Specifically. If they are a Canadian approve grenade that does not pose a fire hazard then they can be approved to use in play Thunder B’s, MK Flashbangs or other (Co2) flash bang simulators are considered flashbangs only as they do not have projectiles. All spring-loaded Airsoft BB Grenades are authorized to be used in play When you are using a grenade at any time you are required to yell FRAG OUT when throwing it. This is for safety so participants can look for the incoming grenade and potentially turn their head away. The Following rules can not be challenged at any time it is up to all the players involved to make a fair decision on the outcome of grenades All Hand grenades have a “kill” radius of 10’ from where the grenade detonates. Everyone within 10 feet of the point of impact not protected by hard cover is considered HIT. It is up to the players involved to be fair and honor the 10-foot rule to wear the grenade lands. All Grenades must be armed according to manufacturers' instructions and then tossed. If the grenade fails to detonate, it is considered a “dud” and has no effect on opposing participants. Players behind no cover when a hand grenade goes off within the kill radius are HIT and must follow proper Healing procedures. If you are hiding behind soft cover Bushes, Shrubs, Grass, and Small Trees are considered HIT Participants behind solid cover like rocks, hills, bunkers, vehicles and trees with the cover between them and the hand grenade detonation place are considered Safe. If a hand grenade is thrown, hits an object, bounces back, lands and detonates near the thrower, they along with everyone in the 10’ radius are “HIT. There are no rules on kicking back grenades. You cannot pick up a grenade and throw it back. Persons are not allowed to lay on a grenade to save their teammates. In the place that it happens. The 10-foot rule still applies to anyone near the grenade.